Marine IT Platform (MIP)

Our concept has developed based experience gained throughout years of installing, maintaining and troubleshooting IT installations on board particular vessels and fleets. Majority we found too complicated, too expensive and vulnerable.

Technological progress has finally brought solutions that fit specific shipboard environment – compact in size, scalable, easy to install, not requiring expensive expert level knowledge software to be run and administered.


We have put all our experience together, confronted it with new technological opportunities and asked ourselves – can things be done differently?

That is where our Marine IT Platform (MIP) originate from. It can be installed on board particular vessel, group of vessels, entire fleet as well as small or medium size office.

What difference do we offer?


Our solution is based on powerful server working mainly as Virtualization Station and File Storage. Other services can be activated (FTP, HTTP server, video monitoring station etc.) and they come as part of hardware package. Once hardware is purchased there are no extra software related cost if Client requires additional services to be activated.

MIP core concept is to provide virtualization platform, moving shipboard solutions from installation of number of regular PCs to low cost mini PC terminals. Virtual machines (virtual client workstations) run on the server. From end user perspective it is like working on normal, powerful workstation. Due to fact all the virtual machines are located and run on the server and all data are kept there (no files are kept locally on the terminals) it is much easier to maintain entire system remotely and increase cyber security.


Here follow the list of key features distinguishing our solution for onboard implementation:

  1. Powerful – high performance but compact in size server.

  2. Fully scalable system fitting customer needs, allowing avoidance of oversizing.

  3. Client workstation virtualization, use of terminals.

  4. Reduced software cost.

Only Windows client licenses need to be purchased. The rest of the software (virtualization, backup, dynamic DNS, cloud etc.) is delivered together with the hardware.

  1. Reduced hardware cost.

Terminal mini PC is less than 50% expensive than standard PC.

  1. Reduced implementation cost.

Most of the platform pre-deployment work can be done on shore and easily cloned on any scale – single user, vessel, fleet.

  1. Remote hardware monitoring and notification (e-mail, SMS, push messages).

  2. Central management of several units - one common place to monitor the status of all the servers for entire fleet.

  3. Advanced backup, snapshots & restore, including single files or full system.

  4. Several mobile apps for Android and iOS, used for performance monitoring, file browsing etc.

  5. Company cloud, used for creating dedicated folders to be synchronized and make them available for all the ships and the office.

  6. Dynamic DNS service – system will remain reachable remotely even if public IP is changing. It eliminates common challenge with remote access when vessel is switching between different communication methods (GSM, VSAT, Iridium)

  7. System configuration in accordance to the latest cybersecurity requirements.

Discuss all details (needs, using software etc.). Check current platform, network status onboard.

Prepare list of costs, sign agrement and plan deadlines of implementation.


Prepare system in office, proceed installation onboard and implement fully system.


System run, system traning for maintenance sector.

Finish project

3 steps to implement
